Forum members didn’t mind the abandonment of Katy’s affinity for the super saccharine, but they took issue with the fact that she’s nearly unrecognizable on this magazine cover. “This must be photoshopped to death because it took me five minutes to actually see any resemblance to her actual face,” visualoptimism concluded.
Miss Dalloway couldn’t believe her eyes. “This is so bad, she is a stunning woman, who is incredibly photogenic, and they photoshop her into someone else? What is even worse is the person they made her out to be is far less attractive than the real woman! And I can’t with the jaw almost not fitting the upper face, ridiculous!” she exclaimed.
GERGIN wrote, “This looks like a Halloween issue, why the orange overload? I wouldn’t have minded the image if they had put her in a different colored top,” he mused.
Maybe L’Officiel is subtly trying to hold on to Katy’s candy association after all?
Image courtesy of L’Officiel.