Fox News’ “Beyoncé Voters” Shade Inspires Most Perfect Tumblr Ever

To say the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling allowing Christian companies to deny female workers certain types of birth control is controversial would be an understatement. Women across America learned nearly 2 weeks ago that their lives were worth less than the “rights” of a corporation or that of a few microscopic dividing cells and, of course, the right has wasted no time in painting these women as cheap, manless Jezebels looking for a government handout.

On a July 1 broadcast of Fox News’ Outnumbered, Jesse Watters dubbed women who think they should be provided this sort of health care “Beyoncé Voters” who “depend on government because they’re not depending on their husbands” and “need things like contraception, health care and they love to talk about equal pay.”

You know those single ladies how they love to be treated like real freaking human beings… so weird!

So what does a Beyoncé voter look like? According to this tumblr, like a bawse. Some genius, obviously amused at Watters’ assertion that women into equal rights are angry layabouts, created a site featuring pictures of women (and a few men) in politics with relevant Beyoncé lyrics added to them in that Pepto Bismol-hued font from the singer’s latest (and greatest) album. It’s the perfect F-U to the right, which seems to think that wanting equal rights, or being called a Beyoncé anything is a bad thing.

Below, some of our favorite images from the site:

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

Image: beyoncevoters.tumblr

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