Petco Is Going After the Millennial Dollar, Thanks to Social Media

Besides not putting labels on relationships, being sexually fluid and sending text messages instead of calling, Millennials also known for obsessively showing off their pets on social media — and Petco is looking to cash in on this phenomenon. The pet supply company, which just filed for an IPO, says that part of its strategy is to cater to “pet parents” and beef up its pet services sector. 

See: 25 Celebrities Who Are Obsessed with Their Pets ]

According to Quartz, Millennial pet ownership has risen to 59% in the past year, up from 50%, so the demographic is the perfect target. “The company says it’s transformed on-site pet services offerings to ‘create the feel of an in-store theater,’ and that grooming customers now visit its stores 50% more than its average store customer, with close to double the amount spent per year.” So if you’re looking to give your pooch a “fanny trim” (we could all use one every once in a while), Petco is fixing to be your go-to spot for such treatments.

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via Quartz

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