EXCLUSIVE: The Bachelorette Sam Frost Talks Taking Charge, Staying Grounded and On-Screen Style

Australia’s first-ever The Bachelorette, Sam Frost, publicly embarks on her journey to find love this Wednesday, September 23, and we’re so excited to see the down-to-earth babe find someone far more worthy of her love than Blake Garvey.

Catching up with Sam ahead of the show’s big debut, we found out how she’s feeling, how far she’s come since last season’s saga, and, of course, what amazing outfits she’ll be wearing throughout the season.

theFashionSpot: Not long to go now! Are you nervous to see how it’s all going to play out on TV?

Sam Frost: I am a bit nervous, actually. It’s very, very exciting, but I am quite nervous.

tFS: How different was it being the one in charge this time? 

SF: It was really different but I thought I had an advantage because I’d already been on the other side, and knew what to expect to a degree, so it was quite comfortable being The Bachelorette.

Photo: Tenplay

tFS: On The Bachelor you obviously had all the fellow contestants to keep you company. Did you get lonely between dates during this season?


I didn’t, actually! I was so busy and I had all the crew around me, and I had really good relationships with all of the crew and I was always having fun, having a bit of a laugh on set. I really enjoyed it, actually. I was too busy to be lonely.

tFS: Have you watched any of the overseas versions of The Bachelorette?

SF: No I haven’t, actually. I thought about watching it before I went in but I thought, you know what, I just want to go in without having any misconceptions or preconceived ideas of what it would be like. I just thought, you know what, I’m just going to go in and just wing it and do it my way.

Photo: Tenplay

tFS: Did you go into the experience promising yourself you would or wouldn’t do certain things?

SF: Before actually agreeing to do the show I sat down with them [the producers] and I said, “Look, I want to be able to actually plan the dates with the date-planning team and I want to be able to make sure I can send home whoever I want and take whoever I want on dates.” 

I didn’t want to ever have pressure of proposing or anything and they’re like, “Sam, absolutely. That’s exactly how we want you to do it because we want this to be about you,” and I was like, “OK, cool!”  So, that’s one of the reasons why I sort of agreed to do the show.

Photo: Tenplay

tFS: But you can’t really stop the guys from proposing, can you?

I know! Maybe I am engaged! Who knows?

tFS: Your look has changed quite a bit since last time you were on the show. What kind of outfits can we expect to see you wearing this season?

SF: I love it because on a lot of the dates I’m still wearing my casual outfit that I always wear, the standard old ripped jeans and T-shirt that I can’t seem to get away from, but in terms of cocktail parties, I really liked the fact that I was always wearing feminine, elegant dresses.

Photo: The Bachelorette

My look changed at the cocktail parties and we tried out different things. That was always really fun to experiment with the dresses and hair and makeup. I don’t explore my feminine side [in everyday life] as much as I did on the show so it was good.

tFS: Did you choose the looks yourself or was it chosen by the stylist?

SF: A bit of the both. I actually went shopping with the stylist and we spent a few days getting all the wardrobe together and we had a lot of fun with it. I was worried that they would try to sort of change my style a little bit to be a bit more conservative but, don’t worry, they don’t!

They were really good with that, me having a say in the clothes and what I looked like and things like that. But I’m pretty cruisy, I’m pretty flexible and I like the hair and makeup artist. She was like, “Sammy, I’m thinking this” and I was like, “Let’s do it! Let’s have a bit of fun.”

tFS: Is your partner’s style important to you?

SF: You know what, I didn’t really care. Nup! If they’re a bit of a dag, like, I’m a bit of a dag anyway, so I don’t really mind.

Photo: The Bachelorette

tFS: With the bachelors wearing suits most of the time for rose ceremonies, did it make it hard to really know how they would dress in everyday life?

SF: After the first arrivals and the cocktail party I said to the crew, “I’m really looking forward to seeing what the guys look like in their casual clothes,” because I think it says a lot about someone with how they dress.

For someone who is a bit too caught up in what they look like or a bit perfectionist and particular about how to wear their hair or what clothes they wear, especially in a guy, I think, “Aww, like just relax a little bit. Don’t put too much pressure on that.”

tFS: Now that the shoe’s been on the other foot, do you see the way Blake handled himself on the show any differently than before filming the show?

SF: You know what, if anything I can’t really comprehend how he got so confused because for me I never once doubted any decision I ever made. I never once questioned or had any regrets whatsoever. I think you just have to know yourself so well in that situation. I think you need to know who you are and what you want and to be in tune with your intuition, basically.

Photo: Tenplay

tFS: After everything that happened last season, how does it feel to be a voice for women who have had their heart broken?

SF: I think it’s a blessing. It’s nice to be a spokesperson, I guess in a weird way, for the underdog and for people who have had their heart broken.

Even my girlfriends, I’m seeing them in situations where they’re dating guys who aren’t particularly treating them very well and you just go, “You know what, I’ve been there before and it’s easy to just think that this is all I deserve but once you find someone who truly loves you for everything that you are and makes you feel like you deserve to be loved is one of the best things ever, and you’ll realise eventually when you find that person that you’ll think, ‘How did I ever tolerate being treated horribly?'”

tFS: It sounds like you’re in love!


I can’t comment on that just yet, but soon enough I will be able to and I have a lot to say. 

You can get the vibes if you want to

tFS: I know you initially turned the role of The Bachelorette down. Are you happy you changed your mind?

SF: Yeah, absolutely. Now I think, imagine if I actually did turn it down. Where would I be? Because I feel very blessed and I feel very fortunate to have had the experience.

Photo: YouTube

tFS: Has your 
life completely changed since you first stepped foot into that mansion?

It has but it hasn’t. I still feel like the same old person but I think it’s changed because a lot more people know my name. I think it’s refreshing for people who have known me forever, they love hanging out with me because they’re like, “Thanks for not changing,” and I’m like, “Who else am i supposed to be?”

I’m not saving lives. I was on a reality show. I think some people get caught up in it a bit too much and I think people need to keep their feet on the ground and realise exactly what it is. There are people saving lives, let’s just have a reality check.

The Bachelorette premieres September 23 on Channel 10 at 7.30 p.m.


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