Jourdan Dunn’s Busy Boho Cover for Vogue Japan Leaves Us Confused (Forum Buzz)


Make no mistake, our forum members went off on the cover. “Certainly forgettable. Jourdan’s got no common sense. How could she even don this redundant hand-on-the-hip starlet pose with such a busy coat like that? It ends up looking too cloaky. At least the makeup looks good,” shared Benn98.

“I find her [to be] a weak model, the styling, the pose and the text overload don’t help either. It’s a mess overall,” echoed KateTheGreatest. Creative asked, “Boho for 2016? What were they thinking?”

Anlabe32 was certainly not buying it, ranting, “What an awful start to the year. Vogue Japan is rapidly becoming both tacky and irrelevant.”

SpeakThatJDunn soon came to Jourdan’s rescue. “She’s serving me high fashion Pocahontas. Don’t like the styling, but I’m happy she got the cover!” he defended.

“It’s really nice! Jourdan looks great in this Burberry dress,” cheered narcyza.

“I love it and beyond happy to see Jourdan on the cover, well done Vogue Japan,” TeeVanity praised.

Whose side are you on? Are you a fan? Drop us a comment and declare your opinion here.

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