Name: Katie Mackay
Age: 27
Location: East London
Occupation: Advertising Strategist

When did you first start your blog? How has it changed since then?
Joe started the blog in January 2009. Not masses has changed since we first started – I’m still wearing a different outfit every day, and Joe is still photographing me and writing about it. Two months ago we started the “What You Wore” section of the blog where any one can send in pictures of themselves wearing the outfit that makes them happiest, and Joe posts the best ones on the blog.
How would you describe your individual blog posts, and how would you describe the vision for your blog as whole?
I guess each of the blog posts are a celebration of my colourful sartorial choices and our life together, from Joe’s perspective. The vision for the blog as a whole is a daily love letter from Joe and a manifesto for wearing bright, colourful clothes!

What fashion sites do you read daily?
I love AdvancedStyle and Kingdom of Style. We recently found Neet magazine too, which has beautiful photography.
How would you describe your personal style?
Different every day.
Who are your favorite labels and designers?
I adore Miu Miu and Luella, but my all time favourite is JC/DC.

What would you never leave your house without?
Coloured hosiery. I recently found a brand called Les Queues de Sardines which are, quite frankly, amazing.
Where do you want to doing in five years?
Still wearing bright colours and looking more and more like Iris Apfel.
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Check out more Blogger Style and other fashion inspiration at the Sidewalk Cafe.