Gareth Pugh is one of fashion’s greatest minds, but one has to wonder who exactly the people are that buy his clothes. While they’re impeccably crafted, undeniably original, and enthrallingly cerebral, they’re anything but wearable in any sort of traditional sense. Slowly but surely, however, the designer seems to be infusing his runway shows with more wearable looks. This season may have been the designer’s most successful collection to date.

His looks were structured, powerful, and at times even fluid, with careful pleating and undulating shapes that were particularly gorgeous in the collars of his outerwear. Yes, there may have been touches of Rick Owens in the collection with the polished, slightly goth leather looks – but the overall point of view was pure Pugh.

Zoe Saldana in particular, I think, would be able to pull off the look fabulously.
Images courtesy of the Fashion Spot forums.