Name: Ashley
Blog: Ring My Bell
Age: 27
Location: London/Los Angeles
Occupation: Actress

I first started my blog right at the end of 2008, kind of as an online diary. As it began to develop, I focused more on fashion and personal style, and sometimes talk about which acting jobs I’m doing.
How do you decide what to post?
If I like what I’m wearing that day, I get my boy to take pictures for the blog. I’m lucky that I have a very patient boyfriend who take very good pictures
What fashion sites and blogs do you read daily?
WhoWhatWear, WWD, Elle, Fade to Black, Fashion Chalet and WhereDidUGetThat… the list goes on. I’m addicted to!

I always get excited for fall. I get a ‘back to school’ feeling.
How would you describe your personal style?
Uncommitted! I like to try a bit of everything. My favorite silhouette is short with long sleeves.
Who are your favorite labels and designers?
Again, it changes all the time, but I love Miu Miu at the moment, and I’m obsessed with everything Dean Quinn is doing. His stuff is so sexy.
Where do you want to doing in five years?