Here’s a Photo of Stella McCartney Squeezing Rihanna’s Butt Like It’s Going Out of Style [Met Gala] Butt it's chic!
Link Buzz: A History of Anna Wintour at the Met Gala; Tinder for Shoes This link buzz this link buzz this link buzz.
For Your Information: Shailene Woodley Explains Why She’s Not a Feminist Shailene Woodley discusses her feminist principles — or lack thereof.
Link Buzz: ‘Spring Breakers’ Director Harmony Korine for Dior; Imaan Hammam Shoots with Terry Richardson This link buzz is all dolled up to eat gouda.
Michelle Obama Joins Fashion’s Elite to Celebrate Met Gala Day: The Best of Instagram Charles James, Michelle Obama and Anna Wintour celebrate Met Day.
Nick Knight on Photoshopping in Magazines: ‘If You Want Reality, Look Out of the Window’ "Retouching is part of my craft."
#TBT? Five Big-Name Fashion Designers Who Had Ties to the Nazis What were your favorite designers doing during the Nazi occupation of France?
Crimes of Fashion? This Photo Series Depicts Some of America’s Weirdest Laws We dig a little deeper into some of America's weirdest laws pertaining to clothing and style.