The beauty industry is taking its cue from the Courtney Love days of dark, red lipstick paired with overdone, smoky eye make-up.
It’s a look that’s been updated for the runway, but still has that 90’s feel.
A disheveled plaid tee layered under a floral dress and dirty boots are the perfect balance with a dramatic “I don’t care” make-up look.
However, for 2010, heavy, 90’s make-up is applied with a little more technique and implication than its previous decade.
Alexander McQueen will live on, as shown in his Fall 2010 preview collection of 90’s grunge-influenced designs with a pale face, vamp lipstick and dramatic, dark eyes (left). At Zac Posen, a smeared upper and lower liner, shades of color, and rubbed on red gloss show off a 90’s make-up look that’s updated and fresh (right).

Jean cutoffs and hiker boots, the original Beverly Hills 90210, and self-loathing, rock music…What better way to show your alliance to a decade than to explore new approaches to the original trends that inspire us to return to them.