10 Tips from Renee Rouleau, Skincare Expert

Whenever my skin is going through a rough patch – whether because of sweat-induced breakouts, seasonal changes, or excessivly dry air – I almost always turn to Renee Rouleau’s line of skincare products. I can count on these products to treat my condition without having to worry about sensitivity, redness, or possible irritation.

So, who better than Renee Rouleau herself to turn to for 10 tips for healthy, happy skin?

Here’s what she shared with us about healthy skincare habits.

1. Always wash your skin and moisturize at bedtime.

Research indicates that the skin repairs itself most effectively at night, so you want to put your skin in the best possible condition for its repair.

Your nighttime routine doesn’t have to be done minutes before you hit the bed – do it earlier rather than later. Wash your face when you get home from work, or even after dinner.

Washing off the day’s dirt and grime then nourishing it with good moisture and nutrients will give your skin a chance to renew while you sleep. And remember, quality moisturizers that do not contain clogging ingredients will not suffocate your skin.

2. Wear sunscreen daily.

In addition to using a moisturizer containing antioxidants, topical applications of high amounts of Vitamin C have been shown to prevent premature skin aging by fighting free radicals, lightening skin discoloration, and actually increasing the sun protection in a sunscreen.

However, most Vitamin C products out on the market use the acid forms of the vitamin (like Ascorbic Acid or Alpha Lipoic Acid). These are actually acids, which is why you can feel a stinging sensation on the skin.

The new research on skin aging indicates that daily use of skin irritating acids actually encourages free radical formation, which counteracts the reason why you’re using Vitamin C in the first place. Plus, the problem with these acid types of Vitamin C is that they are highly unstable, and break down every time you open the bottle, when oxygen gets to the product. If your Vitamin C starts to turn brown half way through the bottle, that’s a sign that it is oxidizing and is losing its effectiveness.

4. Use the latest ingredients to address certain skin conditions.

Peptides – collagen stimulating ingredient for firming the skin

White Tea – the most calming, antioxidant-rich tea, for soothing redness.

Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate – stable Vitamin C that not only provides powerful antioxidants to the skin, but works to lighten pigmentation (brown spots).

Pomegranate – a highly potent antioxidant.

Shea Butter – ultra-moisturizing, to alleviate dry skin.

Hyaluronic Acid – helps retain the skin’s natural moisture. It can hold 1000 times its weight in water, resulting in enhanced elasticity, lubrication, plumpness, and moisture of skin. Hyaluronic Acid also has healing properties.

The life of a breakout is just three to five days, but when you pick at a blemish, the red mark that lingers can be there for one or two months.

You can make problem skin much worse by forcing bacteria deeper into the skin, resulting in scarring and subsequent breakouts. A better solution for problem skin is a regular facial schedule, where your pores can be cleaned professionally.

6. Clean your cosmetics brushes once a week.

Bacteria and oil can build up on your cosmetic brushes, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Using a mild liquid dish soap and cold water, carefully wash out your brushes and rinse thoroughly. Comb the bristles to prevent tangling. Stand brushes upright in a glass to let dry. Cosmetic sponges should be washed with mild soap and rinsed thoroughly after each use.

7. Throw out your bar soap and exchange it for a liquid cleanser.

The binders that hold a bar of soap together are in an alkaline base (high pH balance), which will strip all the water and natural oils out of the skin, causing the surface of the skin to dehydrate. Your skin cells need to stay moist in order to be healthy, and without water, acne conditions, sensitive skins, and dry skins will be aggravated. Renée Rouleau Gentle Gel Cleanser is a great soap-substitute.

8. Exfoliate.

Exfoliation is the key to untrapping clogged pores, fading post-breakout red marks, smoothing the skin, and stimulating new and healthy skin cell growth, but people forget to make exfoliation a regular part of their routine. Keep your facial scrub in the shower – that way it’s staring at you and you’re more likely to use it. Two to three times a week is a must for healthy, smooth skin.

9. Always use an eye cream.

This delicate area is the first place to show aging, and also contains the fewest oil glands on the face. Daily use of an eye cream applied in a patting motion with your ring finger keeps this area moist and plump, resulting in a lesser appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Be sure to avoid eye creams that contain mineral oil or petroleum, as these ingredients will weigh down the skin tissue, resulting in premature sagging of the skin.

10. Avoid drinking out of straws.

We know that the reason for lines and wrinkles is from sun damage, but it’s also caused from facial expressions – think of smiling as the cause of crow’s feet around the eyes. When drinking out of a straw, you have to purse your lips, which causes unnecessary wrinkles and lines around the mouth. If you’re concerned about lines and wrinkles, then drinking directly from the glass is a much better option.

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