Raychel Wade, La Prairie Color Ambassador: a tFS Exclusive Interview

But she’s also a make-up artist with a business called Cheek to Chic.  While that has been steadily growing for the last 9-plus years, Wade has recently embarked on an exciting journey to teach “regular folk”  – those who want to break into the industry, as well as those looking to sharpen their skill set and techniques – how to best choose and apply make-up.

Wade will hold a four-day intensive workshop for budding makeup artists in the late fall.

With such a rich and exciting career, we wanted to talk to Wade about her most memorable work experience (she recently worked with the cast of Jersey Shore), her quick and easy make-up tips, her brands of choice, and more…
The Fashion Spot: Was there ever a point in your life when you were struggling in your career and thought about taking a job that was more stable, but then decided to stick with your passion? What made you persevere?
Raychel Wade: I can’t say that I’ve ever had that moment.  Quite the opposite – I remember when I started out and was working for Saks and they offered me a full time position that would have given me a certain stability, I declined.  I am a free spirit at heart, and have been on my own for more than 10 years.  I don’t think I even put myself in the position that would attract a traditional job.  At this point I don’t know how I would get one. My resume is my business!
RW: I think whenever you can support yourself doing what you love, there is a certain sense of accomplishment, and luckily I was able to do that right out of the gate.  
Certainly, there have been different markers along the way. Being in New York Magazine’s Best of Issue was fantastic.  
Working with La Prairie as their Color Ambassador is another benchmark.  I am always looking for new ways to keep it fresh.  
Now I am putting together a intensive workshop for makeup artists (or those aspiring to be).   If I can succeed at that, I will feel an amazing sense of accomplishment.
tFS: Most memorable work experience?
RW: I recently did the cast of Jersey Shore.  What a blast! Actually, a really nice group of *kids* and it felt great working under that Miami heat.  The memories are always being replaced with better ones.
tFS: Any horror stories?
RW: I try not to kiss and tell!  I think weddings produce interesting moments, to say the least.  After all of these years, I still marvel that I am right in the middle of one of the of the most intimate moments a family will experience, which is often filled with joy.  When that happens, I am honored to be there.  But it can also be incredible stressful, which is when I want to run and hide.
tFS: What do you think are the make-up essentials that every woman must own?
RW: It actually doesn’t take much to look great.  A champagne and mid-tone brown shadow, a lash curler, mascara, concealer, powder bronzer, bright cream blush, a light pink gloss, and you are good to go.
tFS: Do you have any go-to brands that always deliver when it comes quality?
RW: Nars, Giorgio Armani, and La Prairie are my go-to brands.
RW: Hmmm, can’t say that there are.  I do believe that each brand, no matter the price point, has it’s diamonds in the rough.

tFS: What attracted you to working with La Prairie?
RW: About three years ago, La Prairie sent me to their spas in Grand Cayman and Beverly Hills to do some make-up consultation with their staff.  
I had the most amazing experience with them as a company.  They are truly passionate about their brand, and continuously put their best foot forward.  
I hadn’t seen that on a corporate level in a long time and was thoroughly impressed.  A year and a half ago, they decided to hire someone as their Colour Ambassador.  I did an all day presentation for the company, and the rest is history.  It’s been a fantastic experience.

tFS: Can you describe your role there?
RW: Anything that has to do with make-up, I am their girl.  I’ve traveled all over the U.S. and Canada doing personal appearances in stores.  As well, I do enormous amounts of press ranging from television appearances to meeting with editors, to guest blogging.  Last year we shot a series of webisodes to help show our consumers new and interesting ways to use our colour.  And I’ve done some design on products as well, which is great for those creative juices.
tFS: What are the biggest make-up mistakes most women make?
RW: A personal pet peeve is when I see women wearing too much make-up.  I think make-up should enhance what we have, not cover it up.
tFS: Do you have any quick beauty tricks/tips you can share with our readers?
RW: When picking out a blush, go bright!  The color that you see and think ‘who would buy THAT?’  Buy that!
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