Donating big sums of money isn’t the only way the beauty world gives back; there are many opportunities for you — their customers — to get involved in the projects. Who can forget the fierce and fabulous M.A.C. Viva Glam campaign with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper last year, where the proceeds of two flirty-colored lipsticks went toward their AIDS awareness campaign? There really is a way for us to buy makeup and do a good deed in the process!
Have you ever considered donating your healthy hair? We’ve all heard of Locks of Love, but Pantene has a similar program called Beautiful Lengths, in which they donate hair to make wigs for women who’ve lost their lovely locks from chemotherapy. As long as your hair isn’t too colored and is less than 10 percent gray, you can give your hair to a woman who’s missing her own.

We like knowing that our beauty buys can be charitable, too. Next time you’re in Sephora or the makeup counter at Saks, find out about their latest promotions!