My Nightly Skincare Routine and the One Product I Use Year-Round

When it comes to skincare, I take it very seriously and believe that a proper evening regimen (and daily SPF) is part of the key to a clear, even complexion. I am constantly being asked about the specific products I use and to be perfectly honest, it depends on the season and how my skin is reacting to the weather change. The one constant product in my rotation, however, is not a fancy cream or serum — it’s a brush. Right now, I really like the Clinique Sonic System Purifying Cleansing Brush, which I use daily, year-round. 

I also feel that once my skin is thoroughly cleansed, it’s better prepared for subsequent skincare products. I follow up my face washing by applying a ferulic acid serum and a thick, moisture-packed night cream afterward. The fact that my skin is properly cleansed allows the powerful ingredients to be better absorbed and deliver the best results. So, my advice to anyone who asks is: Wash your face every evening and clear, radiant skin will inevitably follow.

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