If you’ve finally decided to go green when it comes to your beauty routine, you should start with the basics. Of course, we’re talking about makeup removing wipes. While some wipes may be labeled flushable or disposable, they’re still ecological hazards.
Makeup removing wipes are usually made with cotton, polyester, polypropylene or wood pulp. Most of these items are not biodegradable, even if you flush them or throw them away. They’ll end up clogging your pipes just like other sanitary products.
Bustle reports that 7.6 billion pounds of makeup removing wipes are dumped into landfills each year. So we all need to do our part to cut that number down. The easiest way to help is by using biodegradable makeup removers that’ll keep both our complexions and planet clean.
Here are the best eco-friendly makeup removers that still get the job done.
Eco-Friendly Makeup Removers
Face Halo
The Modern Makeup Remover Pack of 3, $22 at Face Halo
These fully recyclable makeup removers are gentle and just need water to draw out makeup. They can also survive 200 machine washes and replace up to 500 single-use makeup wipes.
Makeup Removing Wipes, $40 at Sephora
These wipes are pH-balanced and biodegradable. They're made of gentle bamboo fibers infused with aloe and cucumber for a refreshing experience.
MakeUp Eraser
The Original MakeUp Eraser Makeup Remover Cloth, $20 at Sephora
This makeup cloth is very versatile and feels great against your skin. It lasts up to a thousand washes and all you need is to add some water to remove your most stubborn makeup.
Pai Skincare
Camellia & Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser + Cloth, $50 at Pai Skincare
This super gentle cleanser comes with a reusable cloth boasting textured muslin and soft terry sides to remove any and all eye makeup.