Some days you feel like exercise masochism. Some days you’re just happy to have made it to the gym. Some days you’ve barely made it out of bed. For those times when you’re feeling just a little bit lazy, we have the perfect strength training workout circuit for you. Not only can you do it at home, you can do it without standing up — you can even do it barefoot and braless if you like. But that doesn’t make it any less effective. We asked personal trainer Tal Cohen to break down a 10-minute strength training workout circuit perfect for days when you’re short on time — or on motivation.
Do each move the recommended amount of times and take little to no rest between each exercise. When you complete the circuit, depending on your fitness level, take a 15-second to one-minute break before repeating the whole circuit over for a total of three times.
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An Awesome Workout Circuit To Do When You're Feeling Lazy
Plank to Kick-Through
Repeat 10 times on each side.
Start in high plank position. Keep your core tight and your hands under your shoulders as you pull your right knee in toward your chest. Take a one-second pause and then kick that leg out to the left. Again, take a one-second pause before returning to high plank position. Repeat this 10 times before switching legs.
Straight Full Sit-Up
Repeat 12 to 15 times.
Lie flat on the ground with your arms straight above your head and your hands touching. With your abdominal muscles tightened (think of drawing your belly into your spine), lift the upper part of your body off the ground as fast as you can, keeping your legs firmly on the ground. Hold the position for a second and then lie slowly back down.
Plank Arm Extension
Repeat 10 times.
Start in high plank position with your core tight and your hands under your shoulders. Lift your left hand out to the side and hold it for five seconds. Return to plank position. Hold for one second and then lift your right hand out to the side and hold it for five seconds. Make sure to keep your head and body straight (eyes down) throughout this entire exercise.
Toe Touch
Repeat 10 to 12 times.
Start this exercise by lying flat on the ground with your arms overhead. Keeping your core tight, simultaneously lift your arms and your legs so they meet halfway. Lower back down slowly.