Seeing a woman with a six-pack at six months pregnant may seem too surreal (insane?) to actually inspire, but there are plenty of fitness fanatics that can not only positively influence you to reach your goals, but provide some tools to help you along the way (think gym workout videos, inspirational quotes and shots of healthy food).
Since we can all use some motivation to live healthier lives, we rounded up the 13 best female fitness models to follow on Instagram. Get ready for lots of double tapping…
[ Next: 20 Fitness Instagram Accounts to Follow for Daily Motivation ]
Best Female Fitness Models on Instagram
Adrianne Ho
Next model Adrianne Ho is the founder of Sweat The Style. Aside from amassing followers on social media, she has a clothing line, frequently collaborates with brands like Bandier and has a TV show, Sweat the City, coming soon.
Image: @adrianneho
Kayla Itsines
With over 7 million followers and no signs of slowing down, Kayla Itsines is unquestionably one of most influential fitness pros in the world (if not the most influential). The Aussie frequently posts workouts, before and after images, inspirational quotes and snaps of healthy eats.
Image: @kayla_itsines
Kaisa Keranen
Kaisa Keranen — who has a Master of Science in Exercise Science — embodies the "strong not skinny" fitness concept. She's super creative when it comes to exercise circuits and, given that she travels the country year-round for work, she often showcases workouts for on the go.
Image: @kaisafit
Nude Yoga Girl
Nude Yoga Girl is an anonymous account featuring stunning black and white nude yoga shots. Custom prints of the tasteful model shots are for sale.
Image: @nude_yogagirl
Liky Rozenberg
Fitness model and influencer Liky Rozenberg frequently collaborates with brands like Sabon and Estée Lauder (in between training models like Bar Refaeli). Her page is full of smiling shots that go to show working out doesn't always have to be so serious.
Image: @likys_port
Natalie Uhling
Model and founder of NUFit Natalie Uhling is also an Under Armour ambassador. Her account is full of fitness and fitness fashion inspiration and she shoots her images against some of the country's most stunning backdrops.
Image: @natalieuhling
Anna Victoria
Italy-based female fitness model Anna Victoria has a following of 1.3 million and recently made social media waves when she posted an image of herself sitting with "fat rolls" exposed. Proving that no one, no matter how fit, is perfect.
Image: @annavictoria
Jen Widerstrom
You probably know fitness model Jen Widerstrom from her time as a coach on The Biggest Loser, but her social media page is a little less no-nonsense. Instead, it's filled with fun, goofy workout shots.
Image: @jenwiderstrom
Tone It Up
Tone It Up's Karena and Katrina are so popular that their social media and YouTube pages inspired their very own show on Bravo. Look to their feed for plenty of inspiring sunny workout shots.
Image: @toneitup
Emily Skye
Now that she's pregnant, Australian model-turned-personal-trainer Emily Skye is inspiring an even wider audience with her workout posts and glamour shots.
Image: @emilyskyefit
Melissa Wood-Tepperberg
Model, plant-based wellness coach and @fitner_app trainer Melissa Wood-Tepperberg keeps it healthy despite being married to major nightlife influencer, Noah Tepperberg (one of the founders of TAO Group). Not only will you get workout and food inspiration, but there are plenty of insights into getting your little ones healthy, too.
Image: @melissawoodhealth
Alexia Clark
Alexia Clark's tagline is "fit for a reason" and if you follow her daily workout video posts, you will be too.
Image: @alexia_clark
Idalis Velazquez
Female fitness model Idalis Velazquez, who has graced the cover of Women's Health, is constantly updating her feed with workout videos, inspiring quotes and images of healthy eats.
Image: @ivfitness