The minute the cover surfaced on theFashionSpot forums, members began to let loose. “I’m hating these no-makeup covers. It didn’t do any favors for Regina George and it’s not doing anything for Kerry either,” rants an unimpressed A.D.C.
“Lol she looks ill… I really don’t like these no makeup covers,” replies GlamorousBoy, in agreement.
Miguelalmedia also doesn’t appreciate the no makeup approach: “WOW I love Kerry but she looks like she has the flu and just woke up.”
Tigerrogue makes a valid point and posts, “I’m trying to like it, but I don’t really understand why a magazine so focused on make-up is selling itself with the bare-faced look. It seems a contradiction in terms.”
“I mean here you have a stunning woman who has great style, is on a hit TV show, and appears thoughtful and intelligent in her interviews. Yet somehow magazines never seem to use her well for the covers! This is even worse than that god awful Lucky cover!” disapproves Miss Dalloway.
Are you a fan? See inside the thread for more disapproving reviews and join the discussion here.