can’t seem to catch a break on our forums lately. Members often complain about the glossy’s overdone and over-styled covers and it seems like the trend continues for May 2017. Making a return exactly two years after her last appearance, actress Kerry Washington wears a floor-length Valentino dress in the latest installment. There’s a lot to digest in this Steven Pan-shot cover.

Our forums were quick to critique the cover. “Sigh, this had so much potential. Nice to see Kerry, but some cropping was needed. And the styling is too dark for summer. The art direction, which looks like those Instagram tags which pop up on pictures, is a bad idea. Don’t want to sound jaded, but every US Glamour cover this year used activism as a marketing tool. Whether it’s working or not, I don’t know, but each time I lose more respect for them,” said Benn98.
“It looks like she’s biting her nails. So was I when I saw the thread title, because Kerry on a cover is an unpredictable thing. It’s a great idea to give everyone a voice, but in reality, give someone a keyboard or a means of communication, and you end up with the toxic mosh pit that is most of the internet. What you want is a world that learns to LISTEN. Not talk. We’re already talking too much,” tigerrouge chimed in.
RanThe certainly wasn’t buying it. “Yikes, this looks fan made and not in a good way! I’m ALWAYS happy to see Kerry on the cover, but this is bad. Her last two Glamour covers were way better. Shame on US Glamour for choosing this cover,” he scolded.
“Horrible, I don’t like it at all,” stated a far from overwhelmed liaa.
“The highlighted text was a really bad idea, it looks so cheap. This is a waste of Kerry too, she is beautiful and this doesn’t show that at all,” complained 333101.
In agreement was RedSmokeRise: “Totally agree that it’s a waste of Kerry. She’s one of the few celebs that can push more challenging fashion but this. This is so bad. That hand is so awkward!”

Why can’t Glamour get it right? Let us know how YOU feel here.