Magazines have been forced to get creative lately since conventional photoshoots are no longer feasible due to social distancing. Vogue opted to print a previously unpublished portrait by Irving Penn for its special double edition, while Vogue Spain served up an illustrated cover in place of a glossy fashion photograph. Now Vanity Fair relies on Zoom to create its June 2020 cover image. Decked out in head-to-toe Chanel, Janelle Monáe was captured at home by Collier Schorr via the video communication service.

But the cover didn’t go over too well on our forums. “Maybe the worst photo of Janelle I’ve seen, primarily because it looks nothing like her. I’m certain she could have taken a better cover photo herself with an iPhone,” declared a disappointed KINGofVERSAILLES.
“Of course the one photographer who had to take a bad shot of Janelle had to be Collier Schorr. And then the audacity of Radhika Jones to print her thumbnail on the cover (yes, I get the point),” voiced Benn98.
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“Oh my god, please remove Collier from that cover immediately. It’s bad enough as it is… Janelle sweetie, I’m so sorry,” said aracic.
Forum member mepps wasn’t feeling it: “Janelle Monáe is beautiful and usually photographs like a dream, but I can’t think of a single interesting thing about her that would justify this cover. That could be said of most cover choices under this new editor, though. The golden days of Vanity Fair are long gone.”
“What has Queen Janelle done to deserve this? I’ll just pretend that this cover never happened,” commented dodencebt.
“Janelle for sure would’ve done a better job by taking simple selfies,” MyConfashion chimed in.
Are you a fan? Share your thoughts on the cover and join the conversation here.