W Magazine devoted its cover and fifteen pages inside the magazine to the wonderful Tilda Swinton. Before we continue with some of the details and lose our minds to joy while staring at the phenomenal spread, let’s just take a moment of silence and give thanks to the fashion deities and the sky fairies for giving us the glorious gift of her.
Okay! For “Planet Tilda” the uber-human collaborated with Icelandic photographer Tim Walker and stylist Jerry Stafford. In the accompanying interview, Swinton reaffirms her love for David Bowie and attributes her interest in androgyny to an early fascination with her military father’s regalia: “From childhood, I remember more about his black patent, gold livery, scarlet-striped legs, and medal ribbons than I do of my mother’s evening dresses. I would rather be handsome, as he is, for an hour than pretty for a week.” From the pictures below, I think it’s clear that Tilda’s pretty much beyond being either “handsome” OR “pretty.” Whatever she is, it’s great.
