Sarah Ancalmo tells readers –
“I confess: I’ve become a serial outfit repeater. Many times I even don the same outfit twice in the same week (gasp). Why? Well-worn justifications: too busy, too lazy, too late, too…hey, I didn’t run into anyone I knew when I wore that so it didn’t count! I’ve developed the tendency to play favorites and grab what seems easy, while hanger after hanger of eligible contenders remain largely unworn. Tragic.
Time to kick that habit! So, in the spirit of 30-day fitness challenges, for the next month, I’ll be flexing my fashion muscles, exercising my creativity, and digging into the depths of my closet to come up with a different look each day. Stay tuned… “
The result of Ancalmo’s self-imposed “30 Day Challenge” can be seen here:
The idea to me is interesting because especially in the winter months we all fall victim to laziness – no matter how fashion-obsessed we may be and it’s unfortunate because, personally, when I feel confident about my day’s fashion choices my whole day is just that much better. Plus, Ancalmo has great personal style and more than just showing viewers pictures of herself in her daily choices, she shares her inspiration. For example on Day 3 she was “feeling inspired by the movement of Gareth Pugh’s collection video” – insight anyone poring over the Fall/Winter 2009 collection images is sure to appreciate.