Why Ryan Gosling Was Tapped as Renegade Collective’s First Male-Only Cover

We’re not complaining over Ryan Gosling being tapped as Renegade Collective‘s cover star for Issue 14. But it’s definitely an interesting and left-of-field choice for the entrepreneurial magazine, which has never had a male-only cover before. We thought we’d better talk to Editor-in-Chief Lisa Messenger about her very attractive decision to put Ryan on the cover.

No matter the eyebrow-raising choice, every person who has the honour of gracing Renegade Collective‘s cover has to tick four boxes: Game changers, thought leaders, rule breakers and style makers. When we sit back and wonder if Ryan fulfills the criteria, we can’t help but feel a little guilty for not knowing more about this man beyond his impeccable charm, relationship status and red carpet appeal.

Our fears were allayed, though, because Lisa was just as guilty before putting together this issue. “I only knew Ryan as the big heartthrob,” she admits. “When I dug deeper, I realised that he’s actually quite multilayered and talented beyond his good looks.”

“He has a huge desire to take risks and push himself creatively,” Lisa explains. “I think he pushed himself outside of his normal game, broke a few rules and showed a really intelligent, unexpected side of him not previously seen.”

The decision also comes in good timing, following Ryan’s directional debut for Lost River, which was slammed by critics. “I really liked the fact that even someone like Ryan Gosling can fall flat, take lessons and bounce back,” says Lisa. “Even the biggest Hollywood stars can have tough times and potential failures in life.”

So there you have it, Ryan is beautiful on the outside and the inside. If you want to make your life a little harder to bear knowing men like Ryan really do exist, Issue 14 is on newsstands now. Alternatively, you can just buy a poster of the cover here. Why not buy a Ryan Gosling T-shirt while you’re at it?

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