Taylor Swift Tops UK’s List of Most Influential in Media

Forget what you thought about Taylor Swift. The 24-year-old singer wields some serious power. Don’t believe us? Maybe you’ll take The Guardian‘s word for it: Swift landed the tenth spot on its list of most influential people in media. The “Blank Space” singer got a nod from the paper for pulling her entire music catalog from Spotify, a big move considering 25% of Spotify users have listened to her music. 

Swift recently performed at Victoria’s Secret’s first runway show in London, further proving the hold the singer has over the hearts of our neighbors across the pond. Swift is the only woman in the top 10 most influential, with Kim Kardashian, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shonda Rhimes, Katie Grand, Alexandra Shulman and Lena Dunham rounding out the list of 100. 

As for Britain’s top three most influential? They all work for American companies. Google CEO Larry Page, Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg and Apple CEO Tim Cook took the first, second and third spots.

Peep the full list at The Guardian.

[THR via The Guardian]

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