- The mystery is over: Zoe Saldana’s twin boys are named Cy and Bowie. [Us Weekly]
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt got married on the low. [Page Six]
- Selena Gomez shows her ankles at a mosque, the Internet freaks out. [Page Six]
- Old folks give their take on Kim Kardashian’s naked butt Paper magazine cover. [Just Jared]
- Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis may or may not have gotten married. [People]
- Kanye West just released a song with the legendary Paul McCartney. Too bad a few of Yeezy’s fans don’t know who that is. [BuzzFeed]
- How J.Crew colors get their names. [The Huffington Post]
- These dolls of Duchess Kate Middleton and Princess Diana are supremely creepy. [Daily Mail]
- Apple Watch is coming to a store near you. Here is how the tech giant’s new product may do once it hits shelves. [Business Insider]

"Love Zoe Saldaña but hate this cover."