- Lane Bryant launches an underwear campaign for the rest of us gals who DON’T look like Victoria’s Secret Angels. [The Huffington Post]
- Stacey Bendet is expecting a third child. [Page Six]
- ABC has confirmed that Diane Sawyer will be sitting down with Bruce Jenner to discuss what many people believe to be his transition to becoming a woman. [ABC]
- Lindsay Lohan takes pictures for Rankin and answers Mickey Boardman’s questions for Homme Style magazine. [Homme Style]
- Apple employees are apparently entitled to a 50 percent discount on the Apple Watch. Must be nice. [Business Insider]
- One analytical chemist offers a brilliant takedown of the “Food Babe,” and why much of what she says is hogwash. [Gawker]
- Lord & Taylor lands in hot water over an Instagram campaign it did with a few influencers. [Marketing Land]

Everything will be revealed tomorrow...