Of Course Vivienne Westwood’s Spring Show Was an Actual Protest

To say Dame Vivienne Westwood is politically active would be a gross understatement – not just any woman would ride a tank to the Prime Minister’s residence to protest fracking. It’s clear that Westwood is a woman dedicated to changing the world and her zeal carries over into her work as a designer. At her Spring 2016 Red Label runway show, Westwood had a troupe of models holding picket signs reading, “Austerity Is a Crime,” “Climate Revolution” and more. It’s a far cry from the mock-protest Karl Lagerfeld held last year that left a sour taste for many who felt the display was insensitive when there were real people in the streets fighting for real issues that affect people. 

Westwood, who aptly named her show “Politicians R Criminals” has been outspoken about fracking and has used her runway shows before to make political statements, like last year when she adorned her models with pro-Scottish independence buttons for her Spring 2015 Red Label show. “I have a voice because I’m a well-known fashion designer,” she said to the Press Association, “and this gives me the opportunity to open my mouth.”

We hear you loud and clear, dame Vivienne. See the full show below.

[h/t Jezebel]

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