Georgia May Jagger Strikes Out on Two September Covers (Forum Buzz)

Georgia May Jagger is featured on both the Fall/Winter 2011 Issue of Pop (as one of the four covers) and the September issue of Vogue Brazil. Forum member reactions to both covers can only be described as lukewarm at best.

In reference to the Pop cover, Abracadabra wrote, “[I’m] disappointed with Georgia’s cover, I expected more. It’s surprisingly dull, looks like she is posing for a school portrait. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad cover but it isn’t exactly brilliant either; somewhere in between I guess. “
Melancholybaby posted, “Her facial expression is depressing but I like the painterly feeling of the cover.”
Vogue Brazil’s cover was even more universally panned than Pop’s, but to be fair to Georgia, the team over at Vogue Brazil didn’t do her any favors with their bright orange background. They may have (and by may have I mean definitely) overdone it in their attempt to get noticed on newsstands. “The background is what gets me,” lelaid said. “I like Georgia but this isn’t a very good cover. It’s so garish.”
Glitterpeacock was unimpressed. “That is one cheesy pose,” she wrote, “I think Georgia has a really interesting face but this cover does nothing to show it off. The color of the background is nice but just looks a little boring (if BRIGHT orange can ever be dull?)”
Psylocke didn’t hold back with her criticisms. “Everything about this is so awful, the ‘model’ choice, the stupid facial expression, all that orange… I also don’t understand the sudden Georgia overload at the moment; looks like she’s everywhere. I find her really unattractive and her modeling skills are rather limited,” she expressed.
I don’t know if there’s something us forum members are just not getting or if these magazines are banking on the appeal of featuring the product of a rock star (Mick Jagger) and model (Jerry Hall) union. I’m just not interested enough in the father, mother, or daughter to make that work, and even if Georgia were just another model, neither Pop nor Vogue Brazil did anything with her that would make me want to pick up an issue and see more. I don’t think the covers are terrible, but they’re definitely not great.

Images via the Fashion Spot forums.

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