“The religious reference is not subtle when you’re cradling a naked baby. Anyone expecting an animal barn, straw, and three wise men editorial?” AL92 quipped.
“Wow that is such a wrong image to use for the cover,” Miss Dalloway commented.
“What is the baby doing here?” asked missnyc. “He ruins the cover for me.”
Missnyc wasn’t the only one who wasn’t crazy for baby. “I can’t imagine anything worse than a naked baby’s butt on a Vogue cover. I hate babies,” Psylocke somewhat shamefully admitted. “This is gross. Dree Hemingway’s blandness doesn’t help either. This is a total fail to me,” she declared.
This post is starting to make Fashion Spot forum members sound like a mob of baby haters, but that’s really not the case (I hope). There’s a time and a place for everything, and the cover of Vogue is just not the right venue for naked baby butts.
Image: vogue.es via the Fashion Spot forums.