The Final Four of i-D’s Summer 2012 Covers (Forum Buzz)

For most forum members, the novelty of i-D’s multiple covers is starting to wear precariously thin. “I’m seriously tired of multiple i-D covers,” Bezimienna complained.

Blueorchid posted, “This is the most bland and unappealing bunch of i-D covers in a while.”

It’s not necessarily that the covers are all terrible (they aren’t), but I think this is more of a case where people are overwhelmed by the excess of choice. Especially since every cover is so different from the another that you would hardly expect them to encase the same content. “I wish there was some cohesion to i-D covers,” SugarMe commented. “Many of these are lovely on their own, but I feel like the random assortment really diminishes the overall impact of any one cover.”

If you’re not too overwhelmed by choice, this issue is out on newsstands now.

Images: via the Fashion Spot forums

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