Vogue Netherlands Gets a Fresh Start and It’s Looking Good (Forum Buzz)

Vogue Netherlands was one of the newer Vogue editions that had all the potential in the world to become a very exciting fashion magazine. But what they have delivered so far failed to impress fashion fans. Too many reprints, stale editorial concepts, not enough big names. It looks like the team behind the magazine realized that they were never quite there yet, as the January/February 2014 cover is a 180° turn from what we have seen in recent months. And the cover tagline even promises a “Fresh Start.” “New Year, New Talent, New Look,” it further says on the cover that features newcomer model Crista Cober. A change that is much needed, as most would agree. 

But not everyone was convinced by this effort. DutchHomme thinks Dutch Vogue needs a little more than just a minor revamp. “It is time for a new team for Vogue NL… because this is not working,” he wrote.

“I really want to like this because I adore Crista, but that sitting pose and the raunchy styling isn’t appealing to me either,” agreed Cold.  

To me, this cover, which was shot by Marc de Groot, is closer to what I had previously imagined a Dutch edition of Vogue to look like. It’s a little raunchy, cool and sexy. And although this may be far from being outstanding, I certainly do agree with HeatherAnne that this is a move in the right direction.  

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