Forum members weren’t seeing any talent on the cover whatsoever. “Too much happening in this cover. They wasted Anja and Crista’s beauties by putting Lucky between them… Lucky doing a stop sign with his hand, do I need to say more? Yes stop, we don’t need to see you again… It’s a very bad cover,” disapproved Aizanara straight away.
“Without Lucky Blue it could have been so much better. This gesture is so unnecessary and annoying,” echoed Ivanovaju.
“Another cover, another identity. This is just too much. So much is going on. The hand, the hairstyles, the styling, the necklaces… So much is just going on. And the layout is terrible as well,” said a frustrated MON.
Also unwilling to comprehend the madness was KissMiss: “My question is, should Anja be posing on the covers like that? She literally is a model superstar…the models could not have appeared more disconnected…they seem to be all doing their own thing…”
“Strange cover,” assessed zzzyao76.
Sweet rus wasn’t exactly overjoyed, either, writing, “What a mess of a cover and such a waste of Anja and Crista.”
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