The big spring fashion issues are slowly starting to surface and W Magazine is the latest to drop its March cover. After delivering multiple celebrity covers last month, W opts for a single cover featuring several women this time around. Donatella Versace, Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Chastain and Kate Moss pose together for a sleek image lensed by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. The women wear head-to-toe black Versace (natch) and badass expressions.

Our forums went wild — and not in a good way. “The composition is terrible!” screamed Benn98 the minute the cover broke. “It looks like they were all cut and pasted. I actually like all these women separately, but not together like this. Poor Donatella received the harshest level of retouching known,” he pointed out.
“I like the idea of putting these five incredible women together but it’s evident in the HQ cover that they were shot separately and then Photoshopped together. I get that it’s nearly impossible to get them all in the same place and at the same time but at least they could have done a better job with the editing,” quipped dodencebt.
Miss Dalloway wasn’t willing to let the obvious post-production slide. “Horrible!! My god!! It’s 2017, and we are STILL turning women into CGI animations. For crying out loud, look at that shot of Taraji and I wasn’t sure if it was J.Lo for a moment! I will NEVER find this appealing, EVER!! In fact, all I wanna do is stab them in their super plastic-looking faces! This looks fake from every point!!” she raged.
“This is probably one time when I wouldn’t have minded if each person featured had appeared on their own cover,” added tigerrouge.
Also quick to vent was djowodjo30: “The cover looks like those promotion pictures for America’s Next Top Model.”
Not everyone expressed displeasure, however. “This is beyond everything!” raved TeeVanity.
“I love it! The crispiness, the 2000s glamorous throwback, the styling, the cast (even Lopez). LOVE IT,” approved kokobombon.
See more from the ladies involved in W‘s March cover shoot and join the conversation here.