‘s recent Zoe Kravitz cover felt too minimal and sterile for January and now, opting for a complete change in direction, the title gives us some summer sunshine to warm up our February. Making an appearance just three months after her last, Margot Robbie is back on the cover of American ELLE, shot by Alexi Lubomirski. Also currently on British Vogue‘s February edition (alongside Nicole Kidman), the Aussie actress shows off her sun-kissed, effortless beauty in the mega close-up newsstand cover image.

Some of our forum members weren’t quite ready for another Margot cover so soon after her last. “I find it so weird. So, she is going to be on the cover of W Magazine, UK Vogue, US ELLE and we still have others magazines to come? It’s a good cover even if given the fact that it’s Margot, it’s weird,” commented Lola701 the moment the cover struck.
“I really think this is overexposure for Margot. Three covers (two shots, but oh well) in one month is an overkill. She’s not even the front runner in her category at award shows this season. And this is not even a great cover,” added dodencebt.
“Always happy to see Margot,” admitted SallyAlbright. The Hollywood Reporter does have her as the front-runner for Best Actress, so I guess that explains the push. She is fantastic in I, Tonya, for what it’s worth. This cover is pretty, better than the awkward UK Vogue one!”
Tigerrouge pointed out: “This cover shot has that old-style feel of a Gilles Bensimon running-on-the-beach story.”
Also clearly an admirer was forum member AbbeyRoad. “I like the cover. It is fresh and she photographs well. I don’t think I would get sick of seeing her on covers,” she said.
“I don’t know, this just falls completely flat for me and fails to make an impression. I mean, it’s an inoffensive shot of Margot (who I certainly don’t mind the sight of) but I’m sat here underwhelmed. It’s just a little too close up, and feels almost too bright and summery for a February cover,” expressed vogue28.
“I know she’s having a moment but I don’t see how magazines wouldn’t want some level of exclusivity? This cover is way too summery for February,” kenndale echoed.

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