Eight out of the nine cover subjects who have appeared on American Vogue so far this year have never fronted the magazine before — and that’s pretty spectacular given Anna Wintour’s reputation over the years. Anna’s latest cover conquest is Gal Gadot, who finally makes her debut on the American fashion bible for May 2020. Photographed on location at Vasquez Rocks in the California desert, the Israeli actress poses under clear blue skies wearing an embellished dress from Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2020 collection picked by Tonne Goodman for the glam and sultry cover image captured by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Vogue‘s latest cover couldn’t have come at a better time. “Oh this is BEAUTIFUL. By far the best U.S. Vogue cover of the year. A return to form…” applauded MON.
“It’s so simple yet powerful, I love it. It feels like Vogue,” admired kokobombon.
“Oh wow, way to go Anna! It really brings back memories of the good, old, classic Vogue. Gal looks absolutely magnificent as usual. So glad that they got Annie to shoot this and not Tyler Mitchell. It looks a hundred times better than last month‘s cover,” approved aracic.
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“That’s a glorious cover, old-school Vogue,” raved honeycombchild.
Bertrando3 was also full of enthusiasm: “FINALLY! U.S. Vogue is back to their great covers, loooove this. The dress, the pose, the coverline: gorgeous.”
“I LOVE THIS! The image is very striking…” wrote crmsnsnwflks.
“That’s a gorgeous cover,” agreed MyNameIs.
Do you agree? Check out Gal’s cover feature and join the conversation here.