We’ve been huge advocates of Vogue Arabia ever since its inaugural issue back in 2017. After all, covers with Imaan Hammam, Halima Aden, Jourdan Dunn, Kim Kardashian, Precious Lee and Penélope Cruz have really wowed. The title’s offering for April 2022 is certainly no different with three terrific covers featuring Ugbad and Hani Abdi for us to fawn over. In celebration of Ramadan, the sisters pose before the lens of photographic duo Luigi & Iango both serving unapologetic fashion and showstopping glamour.

What more could we possibly ask for? “Well, I absolutely LOVE this. The yellow fabric knotted/wrapped like a massive blond hair bun is amusing and beautiful and genius. Ugbad looks great. The whole thing is so glamorous. Favorite April cover, I think,” raved KINGofVERSAILLES.
“I LOVE it! Especially the dramatic accessories,” approved kokobombon.
“That first cover is stunning,” declared WAVES.
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“Darling, the glamour!! How absolutely sublime! Spectacular styling, Ugbad looks stunning, it all works so well on that first cover. The other two are lovely, but I don’t like the amount of gray of Hani’s cover and the border on the last one. The first cover is simply unmatched!” exclaimed aracic.
“The first cover is certainly unmatched. Ugbad looks sensational, regal, sophisticated, expensive…the list goes on! Dread to think what I’d do without Luigi & Iango,” vogue28 chimed in.
FashionMuseDior couldn’t agree more: “Absolutely stunning and very interesting to look at. Love it.”
“All three covers are gorgeous,” voiced VogueGirl8910.

Share your thoughts on the amazing April 2022 covers of Vogue Arabia here.