How to Have the Best Summer Staycation Ever

A staycation, for those who are new to the term, is the act of taking time off work without traveling to a vacation destination. Some choose staycations because they’re low on funds for a big trip. Others simply prefer the idea of being in familiar surroundings while taking a break. Whatever the reason, staycations are becoming a popular way to take a break from the daily grind. Here is our top list of staycation strategies that will have you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world when you step back into the office.

  • Get Creative — When was the last time you tried an honest to goodness DIY project? Not some home improvement or apartment therapy affair, but a project that was just for fun? With the ever-powerful Internet at your fingertips, you have endless options. Do a quick google search on DIY jewelry and you’ll be amazed at how inspired you are to hit up the local craft store. Here’s a tip: the newly popular friendship bracelet with metal accents can be done at home with no one being the wiser that it didn’t come from a high end designer. 
  • Closet Revamp — You wouldn’t be on this site if you didn’t absolutely adore all that is fashion. So, we know that while some may cringe at the idea of fiddling with their closet, you think it might actually be fun. And it is! Turn on your favorite “girls just want to have fun” playlist and rock out while you re-organize your wardrobe by season, color, or what’s worn most often. Bring out things you forgot you had and fall in love all over again with your personal style.
  • Be a Tourist — We know, as a resident there are touristy things in your town you wouldn’t be caught dead doing in front of your resident friends. But ask yourself, why not? There’s a reason why people travel to a place to visit tall buildings, see wildlife, stroll through museums, or go on hikes: they’re enjoyable activities! Head to your hometown’s home website and see what there is to do that you didn’t know existed or hadn’t bothered to do in the past. Music festivals, free concerts, and food fairs are common occurrences during summertime in small towns and big cities.
  • Learn a New Skill — This writer suggested adding a cookbook to your summer reading list for when you’ve got some time to kill; it’s also a great idea for your staycation. Have you ever made sushi before? Curry chicken? Baked Alaska? What about that “how-to knit” book just sitting on your bedside table collecting dust? This is your opportunity not only to indulge in your hobbies, but to take on new ones as well.
  • Fake It — Just about every red blooded girl dreams of driving down a winding road with the top down, a basket of gourmet goodies in the front seat, headed to a grassy knoll for an exquisite picnic. You don’t have to wait until you’re in the Italian countryside or Provence to make it happen. Rent a sexy car for a day, put the top town, pack the most amazing picnic basket you can think of and have a memorable day. Even better, get your significant other to ditch work and go along for the ride.
  • Do-Nothing Day — Quite possibly the best part of a staycation is the lack of guilt you feel when you’ve traveled and yet don’t feel like seeing the sights. At home, there’s no pressure to go out to eat at an expensive restaurant or go souvenir shopping. Give yourself a day to do absolutely nothing or play-it-by-ear. Feel like staying in bed until 3 P.M.? DO IT! Feel like watching Netflix and giving yourself a brain freeze on your favorite ice cream? Go for it. After all, it’s your staycation. 

image: IMAXtree

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