8 Ways to Boost Your Sex Appeal (That Don’t Involve Sexy Panties)

Look, we have to be honest with ourselves, sex appeal matters. And if it’s something we look for in a mate, it stands to reason others are seeking it in us. But we don’t have to let that fact stress us out. In fact, it’s a great reason to look up ways to boost our sex appeal and our sex lives, in order to create the best experiences we’ve ever had. 

No disrespect to your current sexy methods, but a little help never hurts. There might be an idea in the list below that really gets you and your partner’s blood going in the right direction. With the big V-day right around the corner, we’d say this advice is coming right on time. And feel free to let the sexy force contained in this article guide you well past February, too. 

Let Your Body Talk

Dozens of books have been penned about body language. You could spend months studying it. But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, need-to-know basics — eye contact along with head and back posture. Without staring, make sure you’re giving eye contact during key moments of conversation. Let your instincts guide you. Look ’em in the eye when you’re delivering a punchline, saying something meaningful or ready to move to the next stage of the date. Keep your back straight and your chin slightly angled down. This conveys confidence without seeming haughty, making you that much more appealing. 

Choose Your Makeup Carefully

According to this MSN article about sex appeal, studies have shown that men find women with a full face of makeup more attractive than women with none at all. So if it’s a choice between all or nothing, feel free to go all out. Having said that, it seems men really like subtle enhancements the most. Another study reported men were most attracted to women who wore foundation and eye makeup, and didn’t find lipstick increased a woman’s attractiveness. 

Practice Your Mix Master Skills

It’s universally attractive to feel you’re with someone who has a special skill or a socially adept party trick. Marry the two by becoming great at mixing a basic cocktail, such as a martini. Learn some lingo like the difference between serving a drink “neat” or “on the rocks.” 

Show Off Your Shape

Dozens of studies have found that human beings have a primordial connection to the waist-to-hip ratio. And it goes for both sexes. The ratio isn’t necessarily about the actual size of a person’s hips or waist, but the noticeable difference between them on a woman, or lack thereof on a man. As a female, definitely consider pencil skirts and waist-defining sashes, belts or pleating in both your date wear and lingerie.

Put Your Complaints on the Back Burner

No one likes a whiner. And if we’re in a relationship, we can definitely get into complaining territory even on special date nights. So zip your lip if your boss gave you a hard time or your co-worker is stealing the credit at the office. And definitely don’t start off on those subjects if you’re on a blind date. 

Have a Massage

Think about it, would you want to get sexy with a partner who was seriously stressed out, with their mind on everything else but you? Nope. Do yourself a favor and de-stress before a date. Get a massage. Too expensive? Breathe deeply, take a long walk or take your time sipping on a cup of tea. 

Resist the Urge to Spot Check Your Reflection

None of us think we do this, but we all have. And many of us do it often enough that we don’t realize when we’re doing it. What do I mean? The old hair and makeup check in the reflection of a shiny surface. A window, a piece of chrome, even a countertop or turned-off computer monitor. Even if you think you’re being sly, your date may notice and it can be a huge turnoff signaling vanity or insecurity, or both. 

Do Something New

Turns out a new, exciting activity with your partner can create brain chemistry similar to falling in love. So if you’re looking for something to turn up the sexy vibe, plan a new activity. It’ll boost your sex appeal in the process.

Consider Donning Red

This article from CNN says that men get a sexual turn-on boost when their woman wears red. Though researchers aren’t sure why, men have even reported being willing to spend more money during a date on a red-dressed woman. Not as if that’s the goal, but it goes to show that men like their pretty ladies wearing the color of love when it comes time to make some. 

Know Thyself

The most important advice on this list is to be yourself in all efforts. If you’re not into red from head-to-toe, try a red earring or necklace. If you’re planning a new date, make sure it’s something you’re into as well. If you’re de-stressing, do what makes you feel relaxed. Get the point? In all of this advice, there’s a way to spin it so it tailors to you. Staying true to yourself will give you confidence, the sexiest trait of all. 

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