Nicola Formichetti & Tao Okamoto
@nicolaformichetti Can I have one of them coz you’ve got two
Kanye West & Brogan Loftus
Star factor- @brogzzz with Kanye West after walking for Celine! #newyorkmodelmgmt #celine #pfw #kanyewest #broganloftus
Grace Bol & Solomiya Zgoda
Morning Saturday #saturday #showday #fashionweek #pfw #pfw14 #models #efieltower #smile #solomiyazgoda #ukrsinian #rockit #blonde #dark #modelife @nathaliemodels
Madison Stubbington
You may have seen the shows and the beauty, but you haven’t seen them from @patmcgrathreal’s keen eye. Check back here every day for something new from the makeup maven—like this shot backstage at #yohjiyamamoto. #vogueinstafashion #pfw
Rianne ten Haken, Alana Zimmer & Jade Parfitt
First looks… #pfw #fw14 #jeanpaulgaultier
Jamie Bochert
She opened @maiyet @jamiebochert looking just perfect backstage at the Grand Palais #pfw #aw14 #instaKCD
Hollie-May Saker
paris @mattsfmills
Liu Wen
How amazing does my girl look at JPG?! Killin’ it!! #jeanpaulgaultier #liuwen #parisfashionweek #paris #fashion #fw14
Ajak Deng & Fatima Siad
Thank you for being my guardian angel this week. @fatimasiad angels do exist.. Sisters love..
Juliana Schurig
Marine Deleeuw
#Feeling like an #alien
Raschelle Osbourne
@raschelleosbourne leaves @kenzo in @guess and @zarausa #zara #streetstyle #modelstyle #pfw #mdcpfw ❤️
Tom Pecheux & Larissa Hofmann
Don’t mind early calltimes if they look like this❤️ @tompecheux #thankyou @maximesimoens
Stephanie Field
First looks — @stephanie_field1 backstage at Céline AH14 in Paris. #PFW #models
Ewa Wladymiruk & Nicole Pollard
♥ @ewawladymiruk
Kwak Ji Young
Korean model Kwak Ji Young @Kwak_jy after @veroniqueleroyofficiel in @msgm_official and @lowclassic_soul. #streetstyle #modelstyle #korean #pfw #mdcpfw.
Charlotte Stockdale & Aymeline Valade
GARAGE’s Fashion Director, The Fab #CharlotteStockdale (@ChaosFashionDotCom) with #AymelineValade at @SoniaRykiel #PFW #ParisFashionWeek
Kristy Kaurova
Hair and makeup at #haiderackermann those brows #pfw
Yohji Yamamoto & Yue Ning
#yohjiyamamoto #pfw #2014fw #yuening
Tian Yi
My street style after Dries van noten by lovely Tommy ton! @tommyton thank u for the great pic!! #tianyi #tommyton #streetstyle #driesvannoten @fusionmodelsnyc