New app 3nder definitely thinks so. The new ménage a trois tool is making it easier than ever to find a third partner to join you in bed.
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We asked both men and women who have had a threesome (or two or three) in their lives what lessons they learned from them.
Lesson #1: Two times is not always a charm.
“I had a threesome with a friend and a guy I was casually dating, and it was great! We had a lot of fun; there was zero jealousy (thank you, alcohol), and a very enjoyable experience. However, when we tried to go for a second round a couple months later, it was a disaster. Call it bad timing, an error in the line-up of the stars, or whatever you want, but it made all of us realize sometimes you just shouldn’t repeat the past,” says Brigitte, 33.
Lesson #2: Choose an appropriate soundtrack.
“My first one [threesome] was to a soundtrack of a CD single, L.A. Style’s “James Brown is Dead.” (Shut up, this was in the very early 90s, okay?) The naked time was fun, but that song on repeat was downright maddening,” says Sarah, 36.
Read the rest over at YourTango — Three’s A Crowd: 8 Valuable Lessons From Having A Threesome
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