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These Weight Loss Saboteurs May Be Getting In The Way Of Your Goals

We’ve all been there. It’s a new month, new week, etc. to lose weight… and it’s not happening.

The Five Stage of Pre-Weight Loss

Technically speaking, there are five stages we all go through prior to starting any weight loss programs, diets or plans, according to weight loss expert Nicole Fevrier Davis. “They are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. This is the way our brains acknowledge goals and what our brains need in order to take the next steps in order to implement our plan for our goals and then be able to maintain the results eventually.”

Davis goes on to underline, however, that knowing these stages is almost useless if you’re faced with weight loss saboteurs and haven’t been able to attain your goal.

“Let’s begin with a better understanding of how your brain works in order to begin planning your weight loss with greater ease, grace, and your ultimate success. Popular belief would have you think that all you need to do is change your diet and exercise more and you will begin to see miraculous results. However, as a fitness and weight loss professional for over thirty years, I can attest to how overtly wrong that thought is.”

So what is standing in the way of your goals? Davis helps us dive in.

Not knowing what the original trigger for weight gain was.

“Very often people are in the dark about how and why they started to gain weight. They assume that they are going to lose weight with the variety of common methods only to fall short time and again. Instead of dieting and exercising, try listening to your daily thoughts and hearing the problem you are dealing with daily. Perhaps it is depression, fear, or anger, as those emotions tend to point the direction for your ability to address your weight gain issues appropriately. I have several weight loss meditations on my website for the transformation of these emotions that get great results.”

Too many distractions.

“We believe that we are all well informed by the regular use of our cell phones, computers, televisions and radios, but these only serve to entice senses to other things instead of goals. You may have every intention to provide yourself with opportunities to workout or purchase healthy foods you can make at home, but very often we get distracted and end up depending on our old habits just to get us through the day. We have a problem assuming that all those distractions are important to us and our daily lives when, in fact, our souls and our health are the most important things to us and our families.

To make our weight loss efforts less and less difficult, simply turn off your phones, televisions, computers and make more strides towards listening to your soul whenever possible, as it will never steer you in the wrong direction. In essence, let’s begin our days without those distractions that could lead us away from our goals. We all have a need to get rid of negativity in order to feel a sense of peace in our days and create a sense of wholeness in our own souls.”

Image: Peter Dazeley for Getty

Lack of time.

“We may have busier lives than we had ever intended. This means one of two things are happening: either we are over-booking ourselves or we are allowing social trends to dictate our lives. It could even be a combination of the two. Any time there is a wish or desire to accomplish anything, there always needs to do a re-evaluation of its priority level. First, know that your time is always going to ebb and flow and perhaps this is the moment I can remind you how valuable the talent of saying ‘no’ can be. Meaning recognize you have power in your own schedule, and reassure yourself that you are prioritizing you back into your own schedule. Why? Simply put, because you, your health, and your relationships are your priority. If we are truly committed then we should be able to take actions towards small shifts that can add up to an hour or more a day toward your goal.”

Not staying committed.

“We need to change within our souls first in order to change the mindset. In other words, how can we subjugate our beliefs to engage more of our soul’s will? We need a better way of engaging in a habit of joyful living that can create the addiction to successful outcomes before they happen. In order for us to do this effectively we have to have nothing, but love and compassion for our potential outcomes, regardless of whether they are successful or not. Meaning, let’s make the process fun and include joy in the visualization of our successes by excluding all the things that could go wrong. Dwelling on the image of you loving your body wearing anything you want can actually shift the soul of the limbic brain to accept more and more feelings of safety and the security it needs to function. It will start to work more in the way you want it to for weight loss purposes.”

Image: Peter Dazeley for Getty

Not being honest with yourself.

“We are always being misled about our soul’s value. Our souls are usually the last thing we think about when trying to lose weight. However, as I have illustrated, we are the very essence of light itself and are worthy of all truth and honesty. Therefore, I have always seen weight loss and healing differently than anyone in my industry. Honesty must be our priority to better understand what we need to lose weight, but moreover to be happy and fulfilled. I’m not speaking of hating yourself for not eating well or not exercising. I’m speaking of the ability to say that you are worth the time, effort and energy to experience what you want in your life. You are always worth time, attention, reflection, effort and prayer.”

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