It’s hard to believe that a year ago, Fashion’s Night Out was being billed as a one-time, one-night event. Scheduled for Fall 2010, the now-annual event seems to be growing in scale every week. Spearheaded by Vogue’s Anna Wintour and New York’s Major Michael Bloomberg, the event this year will include a full blown clothing line with FNO-emblazoned merchandise, a one hour CBS special, and a huge runway show taking place in New York City with over 200 top models, and space for 1,500 random ticket-holders. Now comes news that the one night affair will turn into a six night run of events, spread across the globe.

Britain and Korea – September 8th
Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal – September 9th
India, Russia, and the U.S. –September 10th
China, Japan, and Taiwan – September 11th