The Fashion Spot: Was there ever a point in your life when you were struggling in your career where you had the opportunity to do another job that was more stable and safe, but you decided to stick with your passion? And what made you stay with it?
Anyi Lu: That “point” comes up every day, every minute of my life. I have a five-year-old girl at home, and it is a struggle being a good mother and having a career. Being a mother and housewife seems to be more stable, safe, and easy. I ask myself every day why I decide to stick with my passion, but I stay with it because my passion defines who I am. I have had so many women tell me how my shoes have changed their lives for the positive. Ultimately, I want to be defined by my achievement of making a positive impact in others lives. I work, therefore, I am.
tFS: Was there a defining moment when you knew this career is what you had to do with your life?
AL: Every moment is a defining moment…I take it one day at the time. I thank God every day for the luxury of being able to make my own choice. At this moment, I choose to design shoes.
tFS: Was there a time in your life where you felt like you accomplished what you have sought out to succeed? When was it, and how has this changed your perspective on your future career goals?
AL. No. I know God has a plan for me, and only he knows what it is. Therefore, I take one day at the time and do the best I can, and keep an open mind!

Anyi Lu’s website is at www.anyilu.com.