Fashion Pet Peeves, Favorite Designers and More: 21 Questions with Fashion Mentor Tim Gunn

Fashion guru, TV personality, Co-Host and Mentor of Project Runway and Under the Gunn, and tFS Guest EditorTim Gunn, answers our 21 questions.

  1. I usually wake up… between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m.
  2. The first thing I do in the morning is… you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I make my bed!
  3. I would never leave my home without… my keys, because I’ve done it.
  4. My guilty pleasure is… pizza.
  5. My biggest fashion pet peeve is… cargo capri pants.
  6. My beauty essentials include… LAB series men’s beauty products.
  7. The craziest thing a fan has ever told me was… that she was going to pay for me to fly to Chicago to marry her and her fiance.
  8. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle I… don’t think my lifestyle is very healthy! But I walk as often as I can.
  9. When I’m stressed I… walk! I go off in isolation and compose myself for a few minutes. Then I’m generally fine.
  10. My best travel experience was… I have not had a vacation since 2001!
  11. The fashion designer I most admire is… Diane von Furstenberg. How many people can say they created an iconic item? I also admire her for her leadership role as the president of the CFDA.
  12. The most memorable Project Runway contestant was… I have to say Austin Scarlett from season one because I thought he was such a poser and couldn’t possibly have any substance, but then I worked with him and realized he was extraordinary.
  13. On a typical Saturday night I… am home alone cooking and watching TV — it’s a very glamorous life.
  14. The last thing I googled was… I’m googling all the time. I can’t even remember!
  15. If my days had one extra hour… I’d be googling!
  16. The up-and-coming designer I’m most excited about is… Cushnie et Ochs, though I’m not sure how up-and-coming they are. I have to say I don’t make assumption about anyone having staying power. I’m always worried!
  17. One thing people might be surprised to know about me is… that I studied classical piano for 12 years.
  18. When it comes to music I like… Aretha Franklin.
  19. What I love most about New York City is… the incredible diversity.
  20. I’m most excited for Fashion Week… because I want to be dazzled.
  21. If I could give anyone a fashion makeover it would be… Hillary Rodham Clinton, but I think she’s had one which makes me thinks she’s running for president.
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