21 Questions with… Jewelry Designer Robert Lee Morris

We ask jewelry designer Robert Lee Morris our quickfire questions.

  1. First thing I do when I wake up is… scramble into my clothes and get my wee teacup Boston Terrier Jigs outside for a walk…and often bump into customers who see me in my PJs and overcoat and major bedhead.
  2. I would never leave home without my… iPhone.
  3. When I am stressed I… instantly start meditating and doing slow deep breathing.
  4. The item of clothing I am currently obsessed with… are button down vintage Comme des Garçons shirts (instead of my usual T-shirt).
  5. I am excite for Spring 2014 because… I believe the golden age will start any minute.
  6. Every woman should own at least… one size of my knuckle rings.
  7. What I love most about New York is… knowing I am on an island all the time.
  8. When it comes to men wearing jewelry… I think of what ancient Celts and Vikings used to wear.
  9. My beauty essentials include… Tom Ford moisturizer, Aveda hair products, Guerlain’s Verdigris cologne. 
  10. The last thing I googled was… my new favorite author, Orson Scott Card.
  11. If my days would have an extra hour… I would work out physically more often and longer.
  12. When I am looking for inspiration… I dive into my art and anthropology library of 3000 books.
  13. My favorite pastimes… are being in the deep country of Connecticut on weekends and reading by the fireplace.
  14. The best place I have ever traveled to is… Kyoto, Japan.
  15. My favorite place to shop is… Duane Reade.
  16. My biggest fashion pet peeve is… badly applied makeup on anyone.
  17. My guilty pleasure is… napping during work hours.
  18. One luxury item I am dying for… is a car and driver.
  19. When it comes to staying healthy… I take ruby red fish oil, filter out the fluoride from my tap water and eat mixed wild berries with yogurt all the time.
  20. If i had one style regret it would be… my total lack of concern for my shoes.
  21. The best advice I was ever given… was by my first art dealer and it was to use my whole given name, Robert Lee Morris, since there already existed a famous Robert Morris in the art world.
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