21 Questions with… Singer and CoverGirl Janelle Monáe

GRAMMY Award-nominated singer-songwriter, performer, producer, COVERGIRL spokesperson and our July guest editor, Janelle Monáe, answers our quickfire questions. 

  1. I usually get up around…6:14 a.m. every morning.
  2. I would never leave my home without…confidence and peace.
  3. My guilty pleasure is…staying in the bathtub for eight hours.
  4. My beauty essentials include…my COVERGIRL truBLEND Foundation and a smile.
  5.  My favorite place to shop is…in Dubai.
  6. The best thing to do for a flawless complexion is…eat healthfully.
  7.  If my days had one extra hour I’d…sit on the moon for an hour.
  8. The last thing I googled was…“how give to a proper interview.”
  9. The most surprising thing about my job is…I drive an electric bike daily.
  10. I’m dying to splurge on…more keyboards for my studio.
  11. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle I…surround myself with intelligent, genuinely kind and hard-working people.
  12. Right now I’m reading…Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler.
  13. If you looked at my desktop you’d see…Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge from Star Trek.
  14. My favorite game to play is…chess.
  15. A trend I just don’t get…when women and men use the word “bitch” as a way to refer to themselves.
  16. My ideal day would include…meditation, cereal eating, poetry, laughter, bathtub, writing an amazing song to stand the test of time and putting on red lipstick.
  17. My favorite place to travel…is time travel — 2719.
  18. One thing I do badly that I wish I did well…return calls.
  19. When I’m stressed I…admit that I’m stressed and laugh out loud. And eat cereal.
  20. When I’m looking to get inspired I…watch ants.
  21. The best advice I ever got…if Michael Jordan missed a layup, is he still Michael Jordan? Hell, yeah.
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