father's day
Leeora Catalan
Founder of nOir Jewelry
"My father always said, 'Say what you mean and mean what you say.' Another favorite is, 'If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.'"
Nicole Katz
Founder of Yoga 216
"My dad always told us, 'Be Brave, Be Bold, Be True. You can do anything you put your mind to!' What a gift it was to grow up with that kind of empowerment! I am truly blessed to have him as my dad!"
Josie Natori
Creator and founder of Josie Natori
"My father had a strong work ethic, which I was fortunate to inherit. He always reminded me to stay humble through any great success or achievement. He would say, 'It’s not how much or how little you have that is important, but how happy you are before you go to bed.'"
Mike Faherty
Co-founder of Faherty Brand
"Our dad was a risk-taker, always starting businesses, ready for a big bang or a bust. We probably get our entrepreneurial spirit from him. He was either sporting a custom made suit or a Hawaiian shirt and his wisdom usually came in the ultimate cliches: work hard play hard; keep your eye on the ball; and (most importantly) don't eat wheat—it'll kill you."
Alonzo Wilson
Founder and training director at Tone House NYC
"My father took me to my very first gym when I was a kid and showed me how to do my first pull-up. Not only did he ignite my passion for fitness, he's always been my biggest fan, whether it was from the sideline while playing competitive sports or taking the leap to open Tone House."
Billy Nachman
Founder of Criquet Shirts
"My father always said, 'If you're not enjoying it, then what's the sense of living it?'"
Toni Hacker
Founder and designer of Hayden-Harnett
“I learned so much from my grandfather, Ellis. He was an incredibly kind, thoughtful and intelligent man. He always had a smile and story to share with everyone he met. He taught me to spread joy, explore my creativity and to treat life as a gift.”
Carl Cunow
Co-founder of Onia
"My father's best advice was, 'Measure twice and cut once before you make a decision.'"
Sonia Kashuk
Makeup artist and founder of Sonia Kashuk Beauty
"My father passed away a number of years ago, but there is one piece of business advice I always think of. It caught him off guard when I decided to go to art school and then really threw him for a loop when I decided to switch to beauty school, but once he finally wrapped his head around the idea he had one piece of key advice for me. As I became successful he was proud and excited but he cautioned that in this field, the flow of work can be unpredictable so it is important to figure out some sort of steady flow of money independent of your job bookings. He was always forcing me to think long term and even though he is no longer with me, I like to think I did him proud with my beauty brand and took his wise words to heart."
Ramy Gafni
Celebrity brow and makeup artist and founder of Ramy Spa and Ramy
“My dad is a self-made man who really didn’t have any of the advantages that we sometimes take for granted. He’s taught me a lot about having a strong work ethic, but the only advice that comes to mind was years ago when I had a bout with Lymphoma and I was about to begin treatment for it. He said, 'Don’t worry, it’s not so easy to die,' and for some reason that really assuaged my fears and made me feel better. Also, 'Keep your mouth closed and your eyes and ears open.'"
Coralie Charriol Paul
Vice president and creative director for jewelry and leather goods at Charriol Watches & Jewelry
“My dad is a big proponent of taking initiative and leading by example, and has instilled both in me. He believes that instead of talking about ideas, problems and solutions or waiting for someone to give you direction, people should just get-up-and-go. He always reminds me that along the way there may be a few bumps, but not to let that discourage me because there is a place for everyone in this world to succeed. If you act on your ambition, you pave your own way.”
Elisa Dahan
Co-founder and co-designer of Mackage
“My dad always told me to follow my dreams and do what I love. If it wasn’t for him I would not have gone to fashion school – so I owe him my career!”
Audrey McLoghlin
Founder and designer of Frank & Eileen
"My father and grandfather taught me about the importance of family. I named my company, Frank & Eileen, after my father's parents."
Blake Vaigneur
Designer of Rowen Footwear
"The best advice I ever got from my father was in order to be successful in life you have to work hard and never give up. He was a fisherman. He started his day at 4 a.m. and came home around 8 p.m. Hot sun, rough seas and gone for weeks at a time, my father was always away from his family. Three out of four times he would barely catch enough to pay for the fuel, but he and the crew kept trying and never gave up—they were always working towards that one big catch that would pay off."
Bob Richter
TV personality and antiques/design expert
"My dad is a blue collar guy. He made his living pouring cement, working a jackhammer and hauling stuff for the school district in my hometown. Now retired, my dad is busier than ever, doing similar things for his friends and neighbors. He introduced me to the world of auctions and flea markets and recognized that I liked antiques at the age of seven. When I began to go along with him, he said, 'You need to start collecting something.' So I did—vintage Christmas ornaments. He started me off with my first box, and today my collection hovers in the thousands. Each year when I decorate my trees (yes, more than one!), I think of that first box and I still have many of the ornaments that were in it. As for career advice, my dad's was simple: 'Do what you love.' So now my career is very much rooted in auctions and flea markets, and I love every minute of it. Thanks, dad!"
Kirat Anand
Designer of KAS New York
"Growing up, my father wasn’t much for lectures or sit downs, as a result anything he said was more meaningful or impactful. When I was a teenager, he told me, 'My father used to say that when your son’s shoe size and yours is the same, the relationship changes, he becomes your friend,” and then shook my hand. I guess that was his way of saying you’re an adult now, I am going to treat you as one, but most importantly, you have to behave like one."
Melissa Braverman
Marketing manager of the Westin NY Grand Central and Sheraton NY Times Square
"The greatest lesson I learned from my dad wasn't so much a singular piece of advice – it was his entire approach to life. Age was truly just a number for him. He treated every day with a genuine sense of curiosity and interest in the people he loved and the world around him, teaching me in the process that it’s never too late for a new adventure or a fresh start. He was — along with my mother — the smartest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever known and I’m so thankful to have had him as my dad."
Rianna Loving
Founder of Orgo Skincare
“My father’s best advice to me was after seeing my naturally dark hair turn blonde, ‘I don’t know why women always want to mess with what God gave them. You’re beautiful with what you were born with.’ Of course, it had taken hours in a salon and cost a lot so I definitely didn’t appreciate it at the time. It took me years to realize that is actually one of the best beauty tips I’ve ever heard. I think the underlying message is about accepting and loving who you are – which I think a lot of us women find hard to do with our over-critical eyes and trends. Although, I’m still sporting my lighter hair years later!”
Meg Spencer
Creator of Finn & Co
"My career path is inspired by my father, a true entrepreneur. I watched him run several businesses while growing up so I have no doubt he is one of the major influences and role models in my life. He told my sister and I many things but here is one that really stands out, 'Do what you love and do it well and that is success.' I will carry his words with me always."
Maral Barsoumian
Marketing president for Amoretti
“My dad’s advice to me was to never use any liquid makeup or treatment on my face. I have kept my promise, and to this day I have only used blush, eyeliner pencil and lipstick. I am about to turn 49 and don’t have a single wrinkle or blemish on my face. Of course, I live a healthy life in keeping a good weight, exercise and eat at home as much as possible.”
Marc Blackwell
Interior designer and entertaining expert
"I called my father Bill. He joined my family when I was 12. He was an amazing guy. Imagine coming into a family as father, caretaker and husband—when there is a ready-made six kid family waiting? Believe me, it takes a special person to do that. Bill taught mostly by example. As if, just taking on that role wasn't enough, he also welcomed our friends anytime, to any meal, gave free allergy shots to any of our friends who needed them, (he was in medicine, and allergy shots were all the rage then), welcomed any stray dog or cat into the fold, and cared for and loved all of them. He went out of his way for anyone who needed something, was incredibly caring to elders in his family, and was over the moon to see others succeed, and push forward in life. His example was huge for me. More than anything, it helped me develop perimeters in my life, around others, and how they are treated. I couldn't be more grateful or fortunate than to have been taught by such an amazing and generous man."
Jolie Martin
Corrective skincare specialist at Skinney Medspa
The best advice my daddy ever gave me was to always follow through: ‘Do as you say you're going to do.’ This little piece of wisdom invokes trust and accountability.”
Susan Posnick
Makeup artist and founder of Susan Posnick Cosmetics
“My dad spoke more through his actions than his words. He was always 'my hero' and instilled in me a strong worth ethic, but it was when he had a life threatening stroke at 62, that I understood what strength and perseverance really means. He spent two years in rehabilitation, learning to breathe on his own again, to walk, to talk, to write, to feed and dress himself. He was no longer able to drive or golf (his passion), but he never gave up or gave in. Although my dad had no feeling and minimal use of one entire side of his body, you would never know it by looking at him. Once he got the OK, he was back at the gym 3-4 times a week until he passed away at 87.
He was clearly grateful to have been given a second chance—more time to enjoy his family and friends. He had an incredibly positive attitude, never lost his great sense of humor and always gave the BEST hugs.”
Dana Kornfeld
Owner of 4Sisters1Closet.com
“The most paramount advice I received from my father was to treat every person with respect. No matter what a person’s status or beliefs may be, we all deserve to be treated equally. I take this advice with me everywhere I go, and it has served me well in both the fashion industry and life.”
Jaqui Lividini
CEO and Founder of L&Co.
"My father has always inspired me. I keep a quote of his framed in my office as a reminder to always take risks: 'To be safe everywhere is to be strong nowhere.'"
Lindsi Lane
Founder of Lindsi in the Fast Lane
"My father holds such a special place in my heart so I try to celebrate him and everything he does for me every day. We are super close. He has so much incredible insight and advice to offer me all the time, but the ones that stand out are to 'work hard and stay humble' and also to 'never settle for anything less than I deserve.' These words of wisdom have not only pushed me to achieve my career goals, but to also live the life of my dreams, in a positive way where I know my self worth. I will forever be my daddy's little girl, what can I say?"
Dr. Stafford Broumand
"What stands out for me is my father’s work ethic and leading by example. He made it a point throughout my adolescence that he would teach me through his own actions. He worked very hard and he treated and respected people equally. He didn’t just talk about how a person should give back to their society, he did it. In doing this I would see firsthand the kind of person he was and that was the person I knew I wanted to be. Being an example was the most powerful tool I can remember my father giving to me and for that I thank him."
Tony Horton
Celebrity trainer and creator of P90X
"The best piece of advice my father gave me was, 'Be smart with your money. Don’t spend more than you have and plan for the future.'"
Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi
Co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, DC.
"It’s not about what my dad said, it’s what he did. He ran his own successful small business by working 6 days a week without a complaint. Although I grew up in the upper middle class, he still made me mow the lawn, paint the house and do the chores. A solid work ethic is the greatest gift my dad gave me and one that pays off every day. Don’t complain, just get the job done!"