Saddle shoes where used to finish many of the looks, adding a bit of sweetness to the harsh, murderous tale. Only the dreamy musings of Rachel Antonoff could make what would usually seem morbid appear quite innocent. The entire viewing is what the board game “Clue” would look like if it came to life and met Lolita half way there.

In another room, a witness awaits questioning with the look of fear behind vintage specs and in a 50’s-inspired dress. Next to her, a suspect lounges mischievously in comfy cotton, flower-print leggings and a green silk blouse, finished in black bias tape on the lapel that leads into a bow.

While literally washing her hands of blood, the culprit wears a cream dress. The low-cut back is lined with black rosette-like flowers that lead to a weapon tucked suspiciously away. Overall, a very creative and impressive showing from Antonoff, and easily one of the more original presentations seen yet.

Photos courtesy of Philip C. Lim