True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard explains his naked Rolling Stone cover – turns out he just loves being naked [AnythingHollywood]
James Franco goes drag for the cover of Candy, shot by Terry Richardson. Do you think Franco makes a good-looking woman? [HollywoodDame]
Jared Leto’s more insecure than Franco about his feminine wiles: the actor tells reporters that he’s tried cross-dressing, but he doesn’t make a pretty woman [INeedMyFix]
Taylor Swift takes our advice and adds a pop of red to an all-black look at Paris Fashion Week [BricksAndStones]
Justin Bieber wants Robert Pattinson to be his wingman, and tells reporters that together the two celebs would be “an unstoppable flirting force” [ImNotObsessed]
In her Harper’s Bazaar cover article, Christina Hendricks reveals that women and gay men can’t get enough of her curves [AmyGrindhouse]