A: My blog is actually fairly new. I did my first few posts at the end of November 2009. Changes are always on my mind. I’m always wanting to think of great ways to make my blog interactive with the readership, as well as improve the content I put out there. When I first began blogging, my blog was a mix between a style blog and personal blog. The personal has seemed to slowly evaporate into what’s now a personal style blog. I’d also like to think my photography, outfit posts, and blog layout have improved, too!
Q: How do you decide what to post?
A: I struggle with this! Like I said before, my blog has transformed into being less personal, and more about what I’m wearing. My number one thing is that my blog isn’t about major labels or designers. I’m a thrift and vintage type of girl. I want that to come through on my blog. So, I make sure I wear lots of those items in my posts. Another big thing for me is to create support for other bloggers. I post a weekly “Sunday’s Op-Ed” in which I post photos of some of my favorite blog fashions of the week, with links to the sites.
I’ve been told by other bloggers they’ve received more traffic to their blog due to this, which makes me happy. I know I’m extremely happy when someone features me on their blog, so I like to pay it forward. I also post a blogger of the month feature. I do it for many reasons; supporting other bloggers, getting to know other bloggers who I really like, and sharing with my readership the different kinds of style I love, that these different bloggers do really well.
Q: What fashion sites and blogs do you read daily?

A: Definitely Autumn. I really dislike summertime fashions when you’re wearing just sandals and a sundress. I love layers, so fall-time is the best.
Q: How would you describe your personal style?
A: I mix and match different decades in my wardrobe. One day I may be wearing an ensemble that includes garments from the 1940’s, the 1960’s, and the 1980’s. So I suppose it’s always changing. Color plays a huge role in my wardrobe, too. I wear lots of color.
Q: Who are your favorite labels and designers?
A: I feel almost self-conscious to say this, but I don’t follow any major labels or designers. I love the simplicity and classic lines of Chanel, or the funky patterns of Miu Miu, but they don’t greatly influence my own wardrobe. I’m influenced by someone sitting next to me at the movies, or the local coffee shop. I shop at vintage stores, thrift stores, and estate sales.
Q: What do you want to be doing in five years?
A: I recently started my own Etsy shop selling vintage clothing, so I hope in five years that endeavor will have blossomed. I daydream about opening up my own real vintage clothing store. Then again, I also want to go back to school to get my PhD in American History. I’m torn!